Wednesday 3 November 2010

Zombie Poster Idea

This is a branch off on one of my ideas to have zombies be the contrast to water.

Originally thought of the idea due to halloween and zombies being a symbol of death etc and water being life. Then I remembered this which is also in a previous post.

This is similar illustration; except that its animated in flash. The way it is drawn seems very expressive, this would be a good thing to have in the design as it does give a positive feel to it.

Illustration Research:

This is the style/format that has sprung to mind when deciding to branch out in the water is life idea, with appropriate changes of course.

Type of Illustration is a tough choice to make though. Liberal use of colour for this idea may be a bad idea after looking at this illustration.

One thing that should be noted when doing zombie illustration is that a comic type font should be used as it compliments the illustration well.

This is the first time I will have attempted to illustrate zombies, but from these illustrations it can be seen that it can be done in a minimalist way. For example the eyes in this are drawn in a oval way which looks like it is disorientated/slow etc and then the use of blood. In the other illustrations they seem to have drawn mutilated/decomposing features to promote the fact that its dead, could be a good thing to do for this.

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