Water can be described as H20 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom making one molecule of water. In many illustrations you can will usually see this illustrated to inform the viewer why water is important or some line about it being essence of life.
One of the first mentions/descriptions of water in literature is the bible. The bible portrays it as first as a punishment for gods wrath, chaotic in nature and then as a cleanser of souls. In many societies water is symbolic in many different senses which the bible also shows.
In life water can be see as chaotic or elegant just from its movement such as a splash, calm ocean or a raging torrent. From this many metaphors and meanings have been derived such as bittorrent, googlewave, calm like water, feeling blue, fountain of knowledge, source of life and more.
In religion it obviously takes on a more spiritual symbol, you can see how this is seen as spiritual due to its many attributes such as movement which was previously mentioned or the many cycles it takes such as boiling water, it eventually comes full circle again back from condensation or precipitation. It is a cycle of life in many peoples eyes which science as well as religion explains.
Now since water is a symbol/essence of life how was water made?
Some Physicists that believe in the big bang theory say that water was produced from stellar evolution. In other words that it is made in stars. This happens through the hydrogen being fused together due to the pressure and temperature being so high which makes helium in the star which means when the hydrogen is used the star is light due to all the helium. Then the helium fuses together and one of the byproducts is oxygen. Then when the star dies and goes supernova all of these elements are spread out and form asteroids, planets around other stars. And then depending on the temperature and pressure of the residual gases planetoids etc water can be seen in its liquid form like on earth, due to the reactive nature of hydrogen and oxygen and the fact that it is fused in stars it is highly likely there is water all oer the universe but not just on the form that it is on in earth.
So in summary physics say hydrogen and oxygen are the building blocks of the universe, or in other words life, but water was formed from it. Water was formed from life and has the signature which is H20 , which we also have coursing through our bodies, the signature of life is all over 2/3 of our planet, this could be an interesting direction to illustrate as it would not be dark and relates to the tagline of "water is life".
So another question is how to illustrate the building blocks of life? Maybe by using the opposite i.e. death to contrast life, without being depressing of course.
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