Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sketches, Development & Final Solution

These are the sketches I produced before, during and after my research.

The process of the poster building;

Final Solution

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Water Research Part Quatre

Since it is coming up to halloween and one of my ideas is to use death to illustrate the building blocks that water represents of life; we could use something that is 'undead' for comedic effect to illustrate the need for water.

Or in other words zombies.

Possible tagline:

"Zombies don't need water but people do" Please donate money so clean wells can be built for those that need it"

Plus zombies are universally recognizable so that works as an idea.

Here are some current illustrations on the subject of zombies.

Zombies and water together not funny in this case as it is some crap b-movie taking itself seriously.

It's painfully clear that zombies don't need water.

What you see here is a bad film.

Ideas so far: Zombie's not needing water but we do, vector/photo illustration of a well in a  desert or some other way to show the scientific view of water being the essence of life. Sketches incoming soon.

Water Research Part Trois

After looking at the charity side a bit I also wanted to explore the science side of water; how it defines life. I decided to look into this due to my mind maps being pretty wide open at the start, so why not explore every concept, especially science since it is the pursuit of knowledge and application of that knowledge.

Water can be described as H20 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom making one molecule of water. In many illustrations you can will usually see this illustrated to inform the viewer why water is important or some line about it being essence of life.

One of the first mentions/descriptions of water in literature is the bible. The bible portrays it as first as a punishment for gods wrath, chaotic in nature and then as a cleanser of souls. In many societies water is symbolic in many different senses which the bible also shows.

In life water can be see as chaotic or elegant just from its movement such as a splash, calm ocean or a raging torrent. From this many metaphors and meanings have been derived such as bittorrent, googlewave, calm like water, feeling blue, fountain of knowledge, source of life and more. 

In religion it obviously takes on a more spiritual symbol, you can see how this is seen as spiritual due to its many attributes such as movement which was previously mentioned or the many cycles it takes such as boiling water, it eventually comes full circle again back from condensation or precipitation. It is a cycle of life in many peoples eyes which science as well as religion explains.

Back to the science :)

Now since water is a symbol/essence of life how was water made?

Some Physicists that believe in the big bang theory say that water was produced from stellar evolution. In other words that it is made in stars. This happens through the hydrogen being fused together due to the pressure and temperature being so high which makes helium in the star which means when the hydrogen is used the star is light due to all the helium. Then the helium fuses together and one of the byproducts is oxygen. Then when the star dies and goes supernova all of these elements are spread out and form asteroids, planets around other stars. And then depending on the temperature and pressure of the residual gases planetoids etc water can be seen in its liquid form like on earth, due to the reactive nature of hydrogen and oxygen and the fact that it is fused in stars it is highly likely there is water all oer the universe but not just on the form that it is on in earth. 

So in summary physics say hydrogen and oxygen are the building blocks of the universe, or in other words life, but water was formed from it. Water was formed from life and has the signature which is H20 , which we also have coursing through our bodies, the signature of life is all over 2/3 of our planet, this could be an interesting direction to illustrate as it would not be dark and relates to the tagline of "water is life".

So another question is how to illustrate the building blocks of life? Maybe by using the opposite i.e. death to contrast life, without being depressing of course.

Water Research Part Deux

After some sketching and looking at art and designs related to water I decided to delve into researching information about how water is currently being distributed in LEDC's and current
solutions and problems.

One of the first things I came across was this;

A unique invention that somehow filters impurities out while taking the water down your gullet.

In the short term this could be a good way of purifying water but it does not strike me as being long term. It would be more beneficial to set up a reservoir or teach the communities how to build wells and purify it themselves.

Due to the dry nature of some of the countries it is no surprise that people have to walk miles to dried up or dirty wells that are being shared with the animals and mosquitos which causes malaria and other diseases.

It seems that if everyone where to give just a little bit of money then clean wells could be built which would dramatically reduce diseases and death.

This would be an interesting point to illustrate but it would end up being too dark like the majority of charity posters for africa, I personally do not think it is a good thing to prey upon peoples pity for money, you should inspire them through design to want to help, not because they feel they have too.

Bit too depressing right?

Friday, 22 October 2010

Water Illustration Idea 1

This is my first Idea for the poster. I wanted to hone my illustration skills as I was pretty clueless about how to do it. So after looking at a few tutorials I attempted to put it into practice and eventually ended up with a 1st attempt at the water poster.


Development Of First Idea

First Poster Attempt

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Water Illustration Research

After some mindmaps and a couple of illustrated ideas (coming soon)

I have considered doing a vector/photo hybrid. Its a style I haven't tried before but am an avid admirer (quadrauple alliteration for the win) of.

Here are some pieces from the pros;

more water based digital art can be found here

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Sketches For Egg Project

Here are some of the sketches and early brainstorming.

24hr Egg Project Final Solution

So here is what I came up with after going through several ideas such as short film ideas i.e. Egg soldiers in stop motion trying to escape the kitchen.

Monday, 4 October 2010

24hr Egg Project Research

With my first mindmap/spider diagram completed I decided to do a quick google and see how people explain eggs.

This is the first site I came across.

Interesting factoids which are helping to build towards my final idea. At the moment I am considering a short film in stop motion or some sort of parody on a film called hard boiled with tough looking hard boiled eggs shooting at each other.

World egg day?

I think I've cracked the code :)

Hmm what pictures could I use if doing illustration. I think its time to abuse google images
for research again.

A feast of photoshop manipulation with stuff like this.

Loads of this stuff on the internet. Always reminds me of that event on easter where you paint your eggs and roll them down a hill to see which survives the longest.

Starting to get hungry.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Prototype Screens & Final A3 With Screens

These are some of the ideas I devoloped from my sketches and research.

Using these I can go on to develop the final solution.

Here we are with the final screens with a few minimal changes to give the screens 'personality' and the A3 with the layout.